The Honor Gazette

Summer 2021
Summer has been a busy time for us at House of Honor. Participation in our Open Mic events has been steadily growing. Local singer-songwriters have joined with our authors for these wonderful evenings celebrating creativity and the great coffee and tea provided by Berkeley Bob’s Coffee House.
We released two new books in July. Drenching Shakuntala features the lyric poetry of North East India by Harjit Baruah. The other is Jack LaFountain’s Death Rides the Red River. More on these later in the newsletter.
We have also been partnering with Second Read Books in downtown Decatur, Alabama for the city’s 3rd Friday celebrations offering an opportunity to meet an author and take home a signed copy of some of our books.
We will be giving away a book at both the Open Mic and 3rd Friday events in which the lucky winner gets to choose from any of our books. We will announce the winners on our website.

House of Honor will be setting up a booth at the Ouachita Big Foot Festival and Conference this year. The three-day conference takes place September 24th through 26th in Mena, Arkansas.
We will be promoting Tracks our based-on-actual-events book about Bigfoot encounters. We want to thank you again if you attended last year and bought the Haunted Warrior. That little book was the first story in the Tracks collection which now includes a re-edited Haunted Warrior (the summer story) along with stories from each of the other seasons of the year.
Stop by our booth to talk with the author and get a signed copy of Tracks.
Death Rides the Red River
By Jack LaFountain
Vern Carson former Captain of Georgia infantry walked away from Appomattox with more than his share of traumatic memories. Killing the enemy while watching your comrades die is one thing, what he saw on Little Round Top was far beyond the carnage of battle.
He settled on the Red River in northcentral Texas to raise cattle and mind his own business. But the War and its horrors weren’t through with him. The creature was back. It had moved in right next door.
Vern accepted the challenge; he had a score to settle. He owed Charlie. He owed his troops. But most of all, he owned himself. Either he or that nightmare creature was going to be planted in the Reconstructionist Texas soil.
Click here to learn more in our catalog. Follow Jack's author page click here.

Looming on the horizon
Blood Moon
By Jack LaFountain
The long-awaited sequel to Bayou Moon is on the rise. Ed Landry is on the run. He may escape what happened in Lockett, but he cannot elude his destiny—or the monsters it hides. He arrives in Mineral Springs, Oklahoma just as an experiment in shapeshifting succeeds, unleashing a familiar terror.
Landry joins forces with a local deputy and a mysterious stranger to battle a savage beast with a deadly secret. It is uncertain who will survive the fight. Heartbreak and sorrow are the reward for those who do.
Girl In the Mall
By Rachel Roth
Rachel Roth’s debut horror genre novel, provisionally titled The Girl in the Mall, is currently going through the editorial processes at House of Honor Books and moving steadily towards publication. It is both an honor and a thrill to work with this talented and stylistically innovative young writer. Taking snippets of ancient European pagan names and concepts, Rachel embroiders them with her sparkling imagination, and moves seamlessly from stark contemporary reality to lyrical surrealism, with the artistry of a magical realist.
Rachel’s novel features a powerful Undead Redhead, somehow reminiscent of the Celtic goddess of war, the Morrigan, and an engaging cast of abused teenagers who decide to stand up and fight back! Makes you want to cheer them on! Hail to the kids! Very inspiring as well as a fun read.

Click Clack
by Judith Snyder
Our Featured Story this quarter was written by a good friend of House of Honor, Judith Snyder. If you own some of our books, Judy’s name may be familiar. She designed the covers for Bayou Moon, Death Rides the Red River, Redemption, and Drenching Shakuntala.
She is also a writer of strange tales as you will see in her eerie story Click Clack.