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Raven and Owl

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        Special Thanks


A very special thanks to everyone who has subscribed to the website and this newsletter. It is not my intention to flood your inbox with a tone of frivolous chatter and advertisements. I admit I will tell you about my books in a bit of gratuitous self-promotion, but once a quarter may be within the bounds of your patience and forgiveness.


            Ouachita Bigfoot Festival and Conference


I am planning on being at the conference in Mena, Arkansas, September 25-27, signing books and enjoying the speakers in a wonderful mountain setting. The event is being held at the Blue Zip-line and Farm near Mena. Chances of getting me on the zip-line? Slim to none. 

            Bayou Moon 

The pre-order launch for Bayou Moon starts today beneath the light of the full moon. I will be promoting the book online until it debuts on July 5th. You guessed it, that’s the date of the full moon.

Bayou Moon is a tale of vengeance and murder in a small Louisiana town. The killer is what the Cajuns call a Rougarou, a werewolf-like creature. The book follows the efforts of Sheriff Ed Landry in pursuit of the killer in a fast-moving story with a bit of a surprise ending.  










I’m a big fan of the sheriff and want to bring him back for many sequels.  You can pre-order the e-book on Amazon anytime and it will be delivered to your device on July 5th. Unfortunately, either they don’t allow pre-orders for paperbacks, or I am too ignorant to figure out their convoluted means of doing so. However, the paperback will be available on the launch date.



            Boggy Creek Monster


Plans are underway to attend the Boggy creek Monster festival in Fouke, Arkansas on August 1st.  For those not old enough to remember the movie, The Legend of Boggy Creek  was a combination documentary/horror film that debuted in 1972...yeah, a long time ago. The film was based on a Bigfoot like creature that was reported in the Fouke area since the 1940s.


The film features first hand accounts of encounters with the creature usually by the actual residents of Fouke rather than actors. There is a late scene in which the monster terrorizes a family home after being shot at. The incident ended with one family member being sent to the hospital. The Boggy Creek monster has been mentioned on various television shows exploring the possibility of cryptids in North America.


I am planning on having a book signing there at the festival in connection with the debut of Bayou Moon, I will also be signing copies of the first installment of a book that is in the works titled, Tracks, that will have at least four Bigfoot stories gathered from around the country. These stories will be based on actual events fictionalized by me.


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Free Story--Life Lessons


This issues' free story is something I call Life Lessons.  It seems you're never too old must live and learn--and the lessons just keep getting tougher every day. Click the image to go to the story.

            Tiwaz Press


I am proud to be working with Tiwaz Press on three upcoming books. Trails of Trouble is an off world fantasy tale of a young Bryn Bou on a journey in search of an elusive prophet to whom he is sworn to deliver the message of his own vision. He arrives in time to witness world war and begin the quest to find his place in that world. The book is still undergoing the editing process but looks good to launch this year.


You may remember last Christmas I blogged about an anthology of creepy Christmas stories called Yuletide Chills; Festive Phantoms and Creepy Carousers. Due to technical problems the book wasn’t available last year, but is ready to go for this holiday season. I love ghosts at Christmas, don’t you?


The third book they are working on with me is the product of last years National Novel writing Month (NaNoWriMo). In which I was challenged, along with the world at large, to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. The Chanteuse is that novel. It has yet to start the editing process, so I have no idea when it will appear. If you are intrigued by the idea of mermaids and pirates on the Spanish Main in the 1600s, this is for you.

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

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